Follow my journey through the southern tier of America on my bicycle through my blog.

Thanks for reading!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 6: Total overall distance: 480.34mi Total distance today: 92.19mi Total time: 6.57.34 Avg speed: 13.2mph Top speed: 35.5mph

Random thoughts of the day:
-I'm on a road that Santa doesn't even know about
-It must be weird to drive 60mph through two guys on fully loaded bikes traveling in opposite directions trying to have a conversation
-Are the tella-tubbies still on tv? I hope not
-Going up hills stinks. Flat tires stink more
-When will these dogs learn that I am faster than them
-I am gonna name my miniature horse: Mufasa
-35.5mph will help the ole ay vee gee
-that stands for avg for you older readers
-that stands for average for you really older readers
-I have crossed more railroads then I have ever even seen in 23 years
-I have seen more churches this week then I have ever seen in 23 years

Today went reasonably well all in all. It started great with a breakfast of pizza and pepsi followed by 20 miles of chilly air. Had to have rain pants and rain jacket on to stay warm but didn't go with the Under Armour cold gear because I knew it was going to warm up and wanted to be able to quickly de-layer. I was making great time until...the dreaded first flat tire. It happened about 25 miles into the day's journey and it was the back tire. Not sure how it happened, I am super careful and watchful about where I pedal and I know I didn't run anything over. But the road got slanted and cracked in the town, DeFuniak Springs and I must have pinched the tube against a crack. I was able to flip the bike over and change the tube with one of my spares with relative ease but it took a little longer than I wanted. Overall, I passed the test but probably didn't make the honor roll.
Anyway, since I had a 90+ mile trek planned today to get to the warmshowers hosts for the night, Al and Sally, I figured I would have to absolutely haul to get there before dark. So haul I did and was even able to take a couple of quick snack and drink breaks along the way.
I went at a crazy pace you can see it was over a 13mph average. No big deal, just dominating the panhandle.
I passed a guy going east on a loaded bike today. Had a 5 minute convo with him about nothing really, just polite talk between two guys doing the same ridiculous thing. Except he didn't start in San Diego, he started in Anchorage!!
The worst part about a flat tire isn't even having to change it. Don't get me wrong, it is a hassle and it stinks but the worst part is the state of mind it leaves you in for at least the rest of the day. Did I replace the tube correctly? Did I mess anything up? Did I put enough air in the new tube? When is it going to happen again? You begin to have negative thoughts which is obviously not good. So to beat that, I tried to think of more 4+ letter words that can have consecutive ending letters and make two different is not that easy. You should leave a comment with your words.
Thank you so much to Al and Sally for allowing me into their home tonight and cooking me an unbelievable dinner! I am also excited for grits tomorrow made the proper way...don't know if I'll like them, but on this trip...anything goes!
Tomorrow is dicey as of now. There are thunderstorms expected in the evening and overnight. I was planning on camping...not good. So, my options are to take a full rest day and stay here since Al and Sally were nice enough to offer me another night's stay. Or I can try to set up another place to stay within 50 miles, but don't know for sure if I'll get anything. Another option is to go as far as I want/can and then get a hotel to avoid the weather, but they are not going to be cheap where I will be near the Gulf. So I am undecided as of now. No matter when I leave, the next 125 miles or so will be nice along scenic highways and the water. Oh, and to throw in one more loop...the ferry I need to take is closed until at least Wednesday. Could be an issue if it doesn't open then. I would then have to take a worse, longer alternate route.

Here is an updated animal view count:
-dogs: countless
-dog chasing me: 4
-horses: countless
-mini-horses: countless
-cows: countless
-cats: 5 (all in houses)
-bulls: about 10
-goats: countless
-possum: about 8 (none living)
-leopard looking creature: 1 (not living)
-deer: 3 (1 doe, 2 fawn)
-foxes: 1
-birds: countless
-crows: countless
-vultures: about 5
-hawks: about 10
-cardinals: 6 (1 each day)
-alligators: 1...but it was just the tail...and I was eating it :/

Real quick: There have been a ton of people complimenting me on this endeavor and saying how great it is to do it to help such under-privileged people. But remember, as great as this ride is and will be...the primary reason for it is to raise money for EWB and their work in Haiti. The ride means nothing if people don't donate. I think $5,000 is not only realistic, but also modest considering the undertaking to accomplish the goal. So please consider donating and telling everyone you know to donate. Every dollar brings us closer to the goal!

If you enjoy reading my blog...DONATE! Ok, thanks.

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