Today was complete rest day #2 of the trip thus far. It felt good to not have to pedal all day and was nice to be able to spend time with John, Tommy, and a whole bunch of their friends. The day was nice and relaxing and we had a really fun night with their friends. It was a great group of people and I never really felt like an outsider to the group, so thanks for that.
I have good news on the bike too. The de-railer was pretty bent and it was due to some other piece being bent. I don't really know, but the guy at Bike Lane bike shop in The Woodlands, told me that if I downshifted going up a hll, I would destroy the tire and the whole chain mechanism...aka...I'de be up the proverbial creek with a busted paddle. Plus, he said he had a 2 week delay on repairs. I talked him into just looking at it and he ended up tightening and straightening the de-railer plus greasing the chain...for free! Great customer service and he went out of his way to help me out. Without him, I could have been in bad shape. Plus, the famous "Texas Hill Country" that I thought was coming up in a week or two, will be here mid to late this week. I'm actually somewhat excited for the challenge...and some good views.
I have another option on a detour. This one goes through Austin, TX and is about 15 extra miles to the trip but I figure it's worth it even if I don't really stop and check out the city. It's supposed to be a much nicer ride than the main route.
I have a big day planned for tomorrow. I have a warmshowers host set up, but it's a long haul...I think over 100 miles but I could be wrong. It will be 10 miles longer than necessary because I plan on going east for 5 miles and then doubling back about mid-day. I'm doing that so I can stop at the Lone Wolf Ranch, Chuck Norris' Ranch just east of Navasota, TX. I have been looking forward to that and refuse to miss the picture opportunity.
Enjoy some random pictures that I haven't posted yet and goodnight!
Thank you so much to John for letting me crash at his apartment for 2 nights and treating me like family! It was great to see ya!
In order to help the people of Haiti rebuild their country, I am going to ride a bicycle across ours. Beginning on January 11th, I will ride my bike approx. 3,200 miles from St. Augustine, FL to San Diego, CA. I will be doing this to raise money for the non-profit group Executives Without Borders and their life-saving work in Haiti.
Follow my journey through the southern tier of America on my bicycle through my blog.
Thanks for reading!
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